Consider These Tips before Hiring Home Health Care for your Loved Ones

Caring for an ill or incapacitated loved one at home can turn quite daunting before long that it eventually takes a toll on the caregiver physically and emotionally. With a family of your own to take care of, a job, and personal errands to run every day, you have a lot on your plate. At some point, you may realize that the only practical option left for you is to hire an in-home care provider. Before you reach for the phone and consider the arrangement, be aware of your own responsibilities when you entrust the care of your loved ones to others:

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Assisted Living Services Help the Elderly Manage Incontinence Issues

For many adults, the urge to go to the bathroom can be delayed, but for the more than 50% of elderly Americans suffering from incontinence, putting off elimination isn’t an option.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, about half of older Americans surveyed have experienced accidental urinary or bowel leakage; 25% had moderate to very severe urinary leakage, while 8% had moderate to very severe bowel leakage.

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Hire Professional Caregivers to Avoid Mistakes in Providing Elder Care

There’s no doubt to how much you love your parents. As they grow older, you want to care for them just as they cared for you growing up. Elder care, however, requires more than just your affection; you will have to ensure that your loved one is cared for properly. Mistakes in providing elder care can do more harm than good to seniors. Here are some of the most common mistakes you probably don’t realize you’re making:

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Range of Home Care Services Supporting One’s Daily Living Activities

In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated the number of residents age 65 and over at 44.7 million. This number has steadily grown since then.

As a person ages, his body becomes weak and susceptible to diseases. He becomes unable to perform certain tasks that are essential to maintaining his health and hygiene. While most families have the capacity to commit to assisting seniors with daily living activities for the rest of their lives, other families don’t. This is where home care services in Fairfax, VA becomes vital.

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Limit the Risks of Alzheimer’s Wandering with Fairfax, VA Elder Care

Long-time Californian Lee Ferrero hopped into his car to go home after a work meeting. He had been making the trip for decades, but as his trip went along, things didn’t go as planned. After a few hours later, he somehow found himself in an open farmland in unfamiliar territory. After pulling out a few maps, he then realized that he unknowingly drove two hours past the turnoff to his home. A visit to a specialist later confirmed that Ferrero, 64, was already in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Continue reading

Fairfax, VA Home Care Provides Help and Independence for the Elderly

The 92-year-old aunt of New York Times columnist Jane E. Brody is one of over 40 million senior citizens in the U.S., comprising about 13 percent of the overall population. Like virtually all people her age, Brody’s aunt has become frail, with impaired cognition and mobility (she requires a walker or wheelchair to get around). She still lives in her own apartment, and is tended to by home care aides round-the-clock who help her get dressed, take a bath, and go outside daily for some fresh air. Continue reading

Home Health Care in Fairfax, VA: Senior Care Service Provided at Home

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are often sought to care for elder members of the family and would depend on preferred arrangements. Cases of debilitating illnesses and desire for independence and privacy, however, have people opting for health care services while in the comforts of their homes.

Home health care in Fairfax, VA typically include care services like mobility assistance and hygiene maintenance to help patients stay healthy and well in their homes. An individual would do well to choose in-home care for an elderly loved one if the latter is unable to care for himself at home, recuperating from a serious condition or surgery, or is in need of end-of-life care. In Fairfax County, three major in-home health care services are provided namely personal care assistance, support services, and home health care.

In-Home Elder Care in Fairfax, VA is the Ideal Situation for Seniors

Seniors may need assistance with certain daily activities, and with in-home care, this is very much doable. They can get help with bathing, dressing up, shaving, and preparing or cooking their meals. Having a reliable nurse do all of these will ensure that there is no added stress to their life and they can just sit back and relax.

The purpose of in-home care is to allow seniors to live their lives as they always have. One of the things they may be worrying about is living in an unfamiliar place in their old age. While this may be fine with some, others would rather stay at home to experience the same convenience and comfort they have always enjoyed. For those who need in-home senior care in Fairfax, VA should get in touch with reputable providers such as Comfort Keepers of Fairfax, VA who have been giving seniors in the area expert care and companionship for years.